Becoming an Oily Mom

It all started with a small bottle of grapefruit essential oil.

I had just given birth to my second baby and I had returned to work a few weeks later to take some clients before Easter. When I went to my station, I noticed someone had placed a 5ml Young Living Grapefruit Vitality essential oil. This was my first experience with essential oils.

I quickly found out my co worker had gifted me with this oil as she knew that I enjoyed my flavored water. It smelled amazing and I couldn’t wait to use it. She warned me that citrus oils needed to be used in a glass, not my plastic water bottle, so I had to wait till I got home to try it. Once I did, I loved it!! The smell was so uplifting. The taste was good too! I started researching the benefits of grapefruit essential oil and loved what I found. It can aid in weight loss ( which I needed after having my baby) , helps reduce cellulite, fluid retention, it’s high in d limonene, detoxes the body, metabolic stimulant and more! I began drinking it everyday. I even added some to my moisturizer.

I had never heard of Young Living before, so when I checked out their website I was a bit sticker shocked. Some of their oils were pretty expensive. I was glad to see that my grapefruit only cost $7.50. I could afford that one. It lasted me all summer, and I had used it everyday!

Being that I’m a huge Amazon shopper, I did what I always do, check Amazon for a cheaper alternative. And sure enough I found a few different brands of essential oils that I was willing to try. I purchased lavender and frankincense from 2 separate eo brands. Both brands got great ratings and claimed their oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade oils.

I was so excited to get my oils and start trying them out for different things. I had spent all my time on Pinterest, pinning so many different ways to use my oils.

First thing I did was diffuse lavender in Rio’s room at night. I had read diffusing this would help calm him and then hopefully he’d sleep better. Rio was the worst sleeper/ napper. He was up every 30 minutes for God knows what. He was just an irritable baby. Long story short, there was no change. I was disappointed, but kept using it because the smell was nice.

The time came when I was wanting to purchase another EO for my water. I had ran out of my grapefruit and was wanting to try the lemon EO this time. Again, I had read so many great things about this oil and it’s many uses. I went to a local vitamin store in search of some lemon essential oil. I was excited they had it in stock. As I read the label I noticed it stated not for internal use. I asked the sales lady, if I had read this right and she agreed with the label saying these oils weren’t for ingesting.

I was so bummed. It says 100% pure therapeutic grade oil, so why isn’t it for internal use?

I went home and started reading all about EOs and how they are not created equally. I learned that much like vitamins and supplements, the FDA doesn’t regulate EOs. So a company can legally label their essential oils as 100% pure as long as the bottle contains only 5% pure essential oil. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ That explained a lot. No wonder these oils I purchased in stores and on amazon don’t recommend ingesting.

***side note: I had spent well over $150 experimenting with different oil brands over this time period.***

My next door neighbor and her husband have been Young Living distributors for about 4 years now and are doing very well for themselves. I always see them at home with their kids doing things as a family and I always envied that.

I had them over for dinner one night and I had mentioned to her I was in desperate need of a lemon essential oil! What do I have to do to get my lemon??!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ She sent me her link after dinner and recommended I buy the starter kit (diffuser and 11 popular EOs ) so I could try their oils (lemon is included) and then get wholesale pricing. The only “problem” was that it cost $160.

It took me 2 weeks to justify spending that much on essential oils, being that I spent over that amount on my quest to find a cheaper alternative the whole summer. You should know, I’m a very frugal person โ˜๐Ÿผ.

Once I ordered my kit, I started looking into Young Living. They are the #1 consumer choice for essential oils. They have been around for 20 years. They own their own farms and have a ‘seed to seal’ promise which allows them to oversee the entire process of their oils being made. This allows them to guarantee true 100% pure essential oils.

Then I started to creep into the business side of Young Living. They made $1 Billion last year in sales. They are opening more distribution centers across America to keep up demand. They have a very generous compensation plan and I had nothing to lose.

My husband would encourage me all the time to start selling YL, but I never had the desire to sell. I am by no means a sales person, I don’t even push my clients to buy product at work ๐Ÿ˜ซ. The thought of selling makes me very uncomfortable. But then, my oils came!!

I was so excited to see my YL box on my front door step!

I opened it and started diffusing right away! ๐Ÿ˜ I was obsessed. These oils smelled way better then my cheaper ones. Some didn’t even smell similar! I started making roller bottles for the boys. ( I bought some roller bottles on amazon ahead of time). I made an immunity roller, sleepy time roller, skin rescue roller and RC roller. I was so excited. My kids were healthy at the time, so I didn’t feel the need to roll them up right away lol. But it was time for Rio’s nap!! I filled his diffuser with water and 5 drops of lavender. This will be the true test.
ole hours. I immediately text my husband. Of coarse, he thinks it’s a coincidence. Later that night, same thing. Rio slept all night! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Which means I slept all night! This was HUGE for me. I decided right then and there I needed to become a distributor, I wanted to help moms get some sleep, among other things. It’s been 6 months now and I still diffuse lavender and/or cedarwood in Rio’s room every nap and every night. Now it’s not always 100%. Certain things can disrupt his sleep and wake him up, but he no longer cries when he’s awake. He will lay there calmly and sometimes even fall asleep again. These oils worked a miracle for me. And I just want to spread the word. That oil quality matters 100%.

Selling these amazing oils have been a joy. I don’t see it as selling. I see it as sharing and educating. I talk about them so freely and people love to learn how the oils can help them. I get people who come to me, asking me about YL all the time, almost daily. Some follow through and some don’t and that’s ok. The money is nice and it helps pay the bills, but it’s not why I’m doing this. I have had tremendous success with using YL oils that I am going to be sharing with you all in the near future. But my passion is helping.

I use these oils for everything and I mean everything. I make my own baby soaps and shampoos, face soap, moisturizers, face serums. Oils have replaced my medicine cabinet, skin care and household cleaning products. It’s saves me so much money in the long run. And that excites me! That’s what drives me. I am passionate about this and I’m taking the time now to grow my business so that one day I can stay home with my kids for good, ease the burden on my husband, and be able to make my kids’ baseball games on Saturdays. And it’s all thanks to these essential oils.

If you have been on the fence about purchasing Young Living oils, I strongly encourage you to take the plunge. I’ve never had one person tell me they regret it. And I bet the same would be true of you! The one regret I do have is not trying it sooner. I will provide my link at the bottom of this blog for those willing to give it a try. You might have to copy and paste to URL bar.

If you are already a Young Living fan and/or are interested in starting your own business, I am always looking for genuine, passionate people to join my team. Feel free to reach out to me and I will walk you though the whole process. โค๏ธ

42 thoughts on “Becoming an Oily Mom

  1. I used to use oils all of the time. I stopped when I felt I had too many oils and I fell off the boat of using theme. Since then, I have had my second and he is an awful sleeper!! Maybe I should get some lavender and try it out!


  2. My auntie has always been a huge fan of essential oils. This is the perfect recommendation, I’m going to send a link to her inbox. ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. I love essential oils and all the wonderful health benefits they have. I love adding them to my diffuser, applying them on my temples when I have headaches. I also rub lavender on my neck when I am stressed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think it’s nice that you’re doing this. It’s good to invest some time and money in something that will help you grow as a person. I’m sure you’ll do amazing!


  5. My mom has always used essential oils and I’ve learned from her. They are so useful! I use them for my little guys when I don’t want to give them medicine at such a young age.


  6. Essential oils are so great! I didn’t know that’s what this was going to be about by the title, haha. I have quite a collection myself!


  7. I love essentials and you have given me other ways to use them. Your post is very informative and a great read.that I truly enjoyed. I truly benefited from reading this information on EO.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Environmentally responsible companies are first on my list for purchases. It sounds like Young Living makes smart decisions for their products and the environment.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am so new to the essential oils thing. I always thought you used them in diffusers, but every time I read your blog I find a new way to use them,. Would’ve never thought you could flavor water with it.


    1. haha thank you! Young Living has a whole ‘Vitality’ line meaning oils u can drink, and even cook with. ( peppermint brownies, lemon chicken.) check it out, I love cooking with mine. Let me know if you have any questions!


  10. Love! I went to one of those product parties where they had the loveliest case full of different essential oils. I couldn’t afford it at the time, and now I constantly think about how I need to start my own collection – there are SO many uses for oils!


  11. Love this post! Thank you for sharing…. please give us an update on how the business side goes for you! Iโ€™m also interested in ultimately working from home!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you for reading. Ive been doing this for a few months and its already brought in a good income for me. I know it takes time to build a business, but im happy to put in the “work” now so that I can stay home in the future! Let me know if you have any questions!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That makes me super hopeful…. just nervous about the start up cost and if itโ€™s something I can afford right now or soon…… I sure will get back to you if I have questions!! Thank you so much!


  12. Wow I didnt know oily mom was a term. I am just an oily young lady who is into essential oils as I am going on my holistic and herbalist journey!


  13. I’m so happy you took the leap Kimberly! Life will never be the same and in a very good way ๐Ÿ˜‰ Once you know all the uses you get from that starter kit and how discounted it is, you know it is soooooo worth it. The positive changes I see in people’s lives are priceless. ๐Ÿ™‚


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